Take Actions to Achieve Your Dreams

When I read Van Gogh’s quote “I dream my painting and I paint my dream,” it resonated with me in regard to creating the life you want. It embodies two key factors in achieving your targeted future. First, “I dream my painting…” tells us you must have a clear picture of what you truly want. Second, “… and I paint my dream” tells us you must take actions to create your desire.

Your Future Begins with a Dream

The future you wish for begins with a dream for yourself. Before you can achieve a targeted future, you must know what it is you really want. You have to imagine with your heart the future you desire. As you hone in on the future you dream of, allow your creativity to soar and dream big.

The dream for your future has to be a strong desire, not just a whim or a passing thought. The craving for your dream must be strong enough to cause you to take actions through difficulties. Make your dream so clear and vivid it excites you and gives you momentum to overcome obstacles, to keep pushing and pulling you forward, and to keep you from giving up.

Keep your dream front and center in your thoughts. Think about it daily. You might create a collage of pictures that represent what you’re working toward, write out a statement describing your dream future, or close your eyes and picture yourself once you have attained whatever your dream is.

To Achieve the Future Your Dream of, You Must Act

You can’t just dream up a wish for a particular future goal and sit back and wait for it to magically happen. You must figure out what you need to do to attain it and then start taking steps toward it through actions. Think of yourself as an artist creating your future and continue to create until you arrive.

If you haven’t read my workbook, I have a system of setting your target (goal) and then planning out small steps to get you there. That’s how you get to any goal, taking action steps toward it. Break what it will take to reach your dream into steps and begin taking those steps. If you’re not sure what the exact path of steps are, start with one or two steps that will help the path become clear. Once you accomplish those steps, come up with another step or two and continue in that manner until you figure out the remaining steps. Here’s a link to my printable steps chart you can use to list the actions you need to take. https://lifeinelements.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Target-Steps-Chart.pdf

Whether consciously or unconsciously, you are shaping your future with the actions you take each day. Take that power, dream of the future you desire, and go paint the future of your dreams!

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